
Who am I


Welcome to my blog.

I like to write about the things that are important to me.

You're welcome to visit and stay awhile.

You'll soon come to see that family is very special to me.

I have the greatest friends any girl could ask for.

I'm engaged to my very best friend, and we plan to get married May 2014.

I am the oldest of 6 kids.

I come from a divorced family.

I'm currently attending BYU and I love it.

I am studying Family Studies with an emphasis in Family Life.

I love the color yellow, ice cream, and all sorts of music.

Most importantly, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Don't know what that is? Click here or here to find out.

I have a testimony of a loving Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ.

I don't promise to blog with any regularity, but I always love having people along for the ride!

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