
Friday, January 20, 2012

That driving birthday girl

Do you ever have those days where you stop and think how fast time is going around you? Today is one of those days for me. My sweet little sister is turning 15. When did that happen? Just yesterday she was barely starting to come to Young Women's and starting to wear makeup and care about how she looked.

Time has flown. Really it has. In the passing time she has become one of my very best friends. She knows the dramas from my life, my worries and concerns, she listens to my dumb stories, and helps me out in the kitchen since she's better at that stuff than I am. 

Ashley is one of the best people  I have ever seen with kids. She is going to be an amazing mom one day. She can often be found running around with all our little cousins, and needless to say they all love her like crazy.

This girl keeps me laughing all the time.

She's willing to do the most spontaneously random things with me.
She is a great listener. 
She's supportive.

She has my love of desserts. Obviously she's a keeper:)

Isn't she gorgeous?? We'll be peeling the boys of this one that's for sure! 

She's a gem. I love this girl with all my heart. She'll never know what she's done for me over the years. She's a keeper and to say I'm glad we're sisters would be an understatement! 

Love you Ash:) Happy birthday:)

1 comment:

Kimberly Job said...

Awww!!! My favorite girls!